Grew up with USV Halle (Germany) junior team.
Signed for the 2011-12 season by TSV Breitenguessbach junior team.
Made his debut with TSV Troester Breitenguessbach, ProB, during the 2012-13 season, when he also played with Regnitztal Baskets, Regionalliga.
Signed for the 2013-14 season by Messingschlager Braunach.
Signed for the 2014-15 season by Brose Baskets Bamberg.
Played there till the 2015-16 championship, when he also played with Baunach, ProA.
Signed for the 2016-17 season by Giessen 46ers.
Signed for the 2017-18 seaon by Goettingen Rockets Gotha.
Moved to Spain for the 2081-19 season, signed by Obradoiro CAB.
Back to Germany for the 2019-20 season, signed by ratiopharm Ulm.
Signed for the 2021-22 season by FC Bayern Munich.
He's still playing there.